bad faith: noun
intent to deceive : the owners have bargained in bad faith.
• (in existentialist philosophy) refusal to confront facts or choices.

bad faith 1) n. intentional dishonest act by not fulfilling legal or contractual obligations, misleading another, entering into an agreement without the intention or means to fulfill it, or violating basic standards of honesty in dealing with others. Most states recognize what is called “implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing” which is breached by acts of bad faith, for which a lawsuit may be brought (filed) for the breach (just as one might sue for breach of contract). The question of bad faith may be raised as a defense to a suit on a contract. 2) adj. when there is bad faith then a transaction is called a “bad faith” contract or “bad faith” offer. (See: good faithfraudclean hands doctrine)


in bad faith

Fig. without sincerity; with bad or dishonest intent; with duplicity. It appears that you acted in bad faith and didn’t live up to the terms of our agreement.If you do things in bad faith, you’ll get a bad reputation.

See also: bad, faith


Legally the defendants are making a ‘bad-faith’ effort to declare bankruptcy- obviously they are far from bankrupt and this is a ploy to again delay or stop the trial from going forward and expose the fraud, ‘insider’ hijinks and so forth. More than that, it is another ‘bad faith’ effort for which these defendants are so desperate to cover up. If it’s no big deal to them, why have they spent almost more on attorneys fees, to keep this from being aired in public, than the amount they stole in their fraudulent conveyance?

Because they committed fraud, which is still frowned upon in some circles.

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