Ross Levinsohn of Yahoo’s attorneys managed  to confer ahead of time (last Friday) with the judge before this morning’s hearing. 

The court clerk came out of the courtroom at 9:28 to announce the hearing was concluded before it’s 9:30 scheduled time to begin.

We were told all the proceedings are now put off until this October 25.

This was quite a play, as this happened at exactly two minutes before the proceedings were scheduled to start.

Usually both sides are supposed to present their case before the judge.

There is nothing wrong with playing hardball, but, there is something wrong with at every turn trying to get around the law and cheat.

Today’s hearing was in a bankruptcy court. Mr. Levinsohn and Mr. Hall have declared bankruptcy. How you may ask did they get away with that. Seriously.

They don’t look poor. Mr. Levinsohn took home an almost $12 million dollar payday last year. Mr. Allen’s purpose for defrauding us was, among other things, to provide himself a tax write-off on an investment gain of $85 million dollars during that time period.

Well, they actually haven’t gotten away with their bankruptcy ploy quite yet. That’s what this morning’s hearing was about. Instead, Mr. Levinsohn’s attorneys got to the judge ahead of time, to again attempt to delay this case,  CIV494701 in the San Mateo County Superior Court, from going forward.

After we insisted that we too be allowed to appear before the judge- usually both sides are given the opportunity to present their case, not just one side- the clerk did ask the judge to allow us to speak with him also.

After hearing us, the judge agreed that there was no need to delay this case from going forward, and have given the other side an additional five days. You know, let’s give them another chance to throw yet another wrench into the case going forward.

Evidently the defendants and their attorneys feel entitled to not have to obey the law. In fact, this entire case is an illustration of the many instances these defendants have not obeyed the law. That is exactly what this case is about. This morning the defendants displayed another instance of their cunning in getting around the law and the court system.

What will they think of next?

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