
For over four years the defendants have poured forth their scorn on us, most recently through their attorneys. All their efforts are now simply to draw out the legal proceedings, messing them up with bogus legal acrobatics, wasting not only our time, but the time and expense of the courts. None of this matters to Ross Levinsohn or Paul Allen. Their self interest dictates their actions and code of conduct. This is real, and it is happening now.

These men have stolen and destroyed our life’s work, with nothing but a sneer looking back, the same utter scorn and contempt with which they address the law, as if it were merely a chess game with no basis in reality.

They never thought it would get this far. Everyone else cowers in fear, why aren’t we responding the same way? They thinks its ludicrous that anyone would think they could outspend them, out lawyer them, etc.

Meanwhile, what they don’t realize, is that their usual modus operendi is being displayed for all to one day see. Each tactic to keep covered their actions, to pay off and cleverly jiggle the legal system to be manipulated in their own favor, represents nothing but a classic play by play of the unscrupulous.

Hitler and the Nazi’s unwittingly supplied the careful documentation of their crimes, never realizing it would be the most condemning factor, studied over and analyzed for years- centuries? to come.

(Their attorneys do threaten us concerning what we publish on the blog.)

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